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Boudicca and the Dicken

Boudicca the Black hen just wants to be a mother hen, just like all of her friends in the Devis Nest Farm Hen House. With a little bit of help from Farmer Brad and Farmer Adam, her dream finally comes true. But all is not as it seems because Boudicca’s new baby is very different to all the other new chicks.

The story explores the concept of Motherhood, surrogacy and the strength of a mother’s love that ultimately overrides genetic inheritance and raises the mother and child bond to one of deep love and total acceptance.

Duck Duck the Dicken’s Adventure to the Dam

Boudicca the hen has taken to motherhood with great dedication and pride and her new baby Duck Duck the Dicken is a fast leaner as he follows his mummy around the farm beyond the hen house.

Duck Duck, unlike his mummy, has a natural affinity to water and loves to splash and play in the many puddles around the farm yard.

One day however, while exploring for fat juicy worms with his mummy, they come across the biggest puddle he has ever seen!

The story explores the role of a mother’s love and protection against the need to acknowledge and allow the innate identity, skills and talents of her young one to blossom naturally. Even if they don’t conform to the parent’s projected dreams plans and expectations.

Duck Duck the Dicken Grows Out of the Nest

Duck Duck has grown up from a fluffy yellow duckling into a handsome young duck with a beautiful full white coat of duck feathers and down.

However he still identifies himself as a chicken so has some challenges as he adapts to life beyond the nest and takes his place as a young adult in the hen house.

The story explores the challenges and acceptance of an individual’s innate skills, talents and diversity as they take their place in the world and community around them, beyond the safe confines of the family home.